My name is Courtney. I am a philologist by first education, and a chef by vocation and second education.

Cooking for me is not just an everyday household activity. For me it is a kind of art, a creative process, fascinating so much that I constantly want to try something new and share my experience with you, my readers. I am constantly experimenting, trying new interesting recipes and unusual combinations of ingredients, learning new ways of processing products and improving my knowledge in the culinary field.

Cooking is the biggest hobby of my life. And its embodiment is this Blog.

On the site I post recipes for dishes that I cook for my family, friends and family. All dishes are prepared by me personally, mercilessly tested on live people and approved by them. There are no recipes for unpalatable food on the blog – only recipes for your favorite, but there aren’t that many of them. If a dish has not been approved by most of my tasters, you won’t find it on the pages of this site.

I buy professional literature for cooks that contains recipes for restaurant dishes, a variety of baked goods, and desserts, among other things.

Read the blog, cook, enjoy, and leave feedback!